Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Break Special

Finally, Spring Break. Thank God. I don't know about you but I have been looking forward to this week of pure relaxation. I am so relieved. I guess the best way to describe is like when you have a job. And someone comes to temporarily take over your job for a while so you can have a break. Yeah, that's probably how I feel. But why was spring break created? How? When? Who Cares?

I also didn't realize my sponsers were having a small bicker on my first post. Who knows what they were arguing about but they sure were not arguing about paying me. Instead, they were arguing about who knows me and stuff like that. So I'll take it as a compliment.

So anyway, since I have so much spare time. I might as well do as much rambling as I possibly can. So first on the hitlist, vandalism. Yeah, everyone knows vandalism. You break, ruin, smash, crush or destroy something that someone else paid for, especially the government. A week or two ago, some other school apparently did some vandalism graffiti at my school. Yeah, so I got inspired to write this crap. Anyway, yeah high school rivalry y'all.

Well, its actually quite interesting because if this would never happen in Malaysia. No one has the time since everyone has to study the shit out of themselves. Also, if we did half of us would even know how to use graffiti. But instead, many other...less...occupied Malaysians have better things to vandalize than a school. Yeah, they vandalize public phones. Yeah, imagine not having a cellphone. So the next best thing would be a public phone. It's usually in such a bad condition that I don't trust it but I have to use it. Anyway, half the time the public phone looks like its about to explode, the other half the time it looks like its about to fall and squash you. Surprisingly thought it does usually work even though it looks crappy. Of course, do expect a few times where you lose the only small change you have that could help you get home.

As the same with all of Asia, our public toilets suck big time. If you fell down in one of our toilets, I swear you'll probably want to take a bath for 2 weeks straight. Also, I have never in my 15 years of living in Malaysia never took a dump in a public toilet. If you did though, your ass would never forgive you. EVER! I swear your ass would try to kill you for revenge. I mean, if I were your ass I would.

Speaking of toilets. Here's another topic. Chinese guys always fucking doing their hair in the toilet. You will never see a white man doing his hair in the toilet. He might do it occasionally but never every fucking 5 minutes! I mean seriously, does your hair need to stand like a hedgehog? Does you hair have to look like a damn durian? You think girls need a mirror than you ain't see nothing yet. Chinese boys need a big ass mirror since they keep trying to do their fucking hair. Dude, your not going out to get laid, so chill out with the hair. I swear everytime I go to a toilet I ALWAYS CONSTANTLY, WITHOUT FAIL see a bunch of chinese guys spiking their hair. Sheesh... its annoying. They could put someone's eye out with hair like that. How vain can you be to keep spiking your hair? It's like walking around with 2000 condoms in a hand and showing the middle finger to someone with the other everytime you drop the box of condom. Ok, maybe that's a stretch but you get my point. No pun intended.

Friday, March 6, 2009

All RIse for The National Anthem Blues

Yeah, as everyone in this world knows. Everyone country in this world definitely has their own national anthem. A song to show how much you adore your country. Definitely everyone knows their own country's national anthem. Do we enjoy singing it though? Er.....that can be debatable.

Alright, I remember singing my national anthem every Monday during assemblies which would be every Monday in elementary school and I think if I remember correctly had to sing my Malaysian national anthem every day? I dunno, rusty memory. Maybe that's why I don't enjoy singing my national anthem much. And as for Canada, fortunately Canada is sane enough to only make us sing the national anthem during assemblies and assemblies are not common. Yeah, GO CANADA!! I mean seriously, I think we should only sing the National Anthem when its IMPORTANT!

But today's rambling is about this. I have heard on the news a while ago that there were two young girls who apparently are so upset that they complain about not singing the national anthem enough.

Look, I know what your thinking. I'm kidding, no one wants to sing the anthem often. Well no, these girls do. These shadowspawns, The Dark One's own minions. The Light burn them! Anyway, whats wrong with singing the National Anthem once in a while? I dunno, I thought it was ok, thought it was fine. Now heres the cool part, they complained to the school and the headmaster got hate mail. Yeah...imagine your a principal of a school and suddenly people start sending all this hate mail. Here's a sample :

Dear Mr. Principal,
You are an asshole, you don't deserve to be a principal in a Canadian school. You shouldn't even be allowed to live here or die here because you don't FORCE or MAKE the students sing the national anthem often enough. Fuck you principal, you shouldn't even be called that, you are a terrorist. I'll report you to George Bush. Can't you see these kids LOVE to sing the national anthem. So go to hell you stupid principal.
Angry person

Ok ok, thats not real, but it might as well be. I mean, he received more than just one angry letter. In fact, he got 200 over. Yeah, 200 people are angry at the principal because two girls said they don't sing it enough. He actually did get some letters that told him to get out of Canada. Now I saw this on the news, seriously did the news stations ran out of stuff to report on? Economy is crumbling, more jobs are being cut back, two girls are angry that they don't sing the national anthem enough. I think it was unnessecery to send the poor principal 200 over hate mails. He's a principal, not an extremist like thos 200 over people who took the time to send him hate mail.

And don't worry, I didn't forget those two bitches. Heres a message for those two bitches. You want to sing the burning anthem so much? Sing it yourself. Go sing it at karaoke or sing it in the corner of your house, but don't make it a big deal. Alright, I'm being long-winded, I'll get to the point. THE LIGHT BURN YOU TWO PIECE OF CRAP! I don't wanna sing the anthem everyday ok, I have other things to do like...lazing around. And I'm lazy for a reason, its for conserving energy. Its the Law! The Law of Conversation of Energy.